Networking Businesses to Enhance Economic Opportunities”
The Somerset County Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting this region as a superior locale in which to live, work, vacation and conduct business. Membership consists of all sizes of businesses representing agriculture, financial, health, manufacturing, media, retailing, service, and tourism. Membership also includes various organizations such as service clubs, churches, elected officials, and individual associate members. The common thread is that all members share an interest in enhancing and improving the economy and quality of life in our region through networking opportunities.
Your Chamber membership entitles you to…
Chamber Progress – Monthly newsletter keeping you informed on current business issues and Chamber activities. Many local colleges and organizations conducting classes/seminars on business-related topics also utilize “Chamber Progress” to alert you to educational opportunities. Chamber membership enables you to take advantage of a reasonably priced marketing opportunity to insert advertising in the Chamber newsletter.
e-Dispatch – our newest communication effort comes to you by email, twice a month, with up-to-date Chamber news and information.
Internet Website – Your company is listed alphabetically and by business category on the Chamber website at Links from your listing to your own homepage are FREE to all members. You may also register on-line for Chamber Events, and place your order on-line forChamber brochures and booklets. The website receives between 3,500 & 5,000 visits per month.
Micro-Revolving Loan Program – Chamber Members involved in tourism have access to a micro-revolving loan program that provides access to funds for small projects or to compliment a larger project. Minimum loans are $2,000.00 and the maximum is $10,000.00. The maximum participation of the loan fund is 50% of the total project. To be eligible businesses must be members of the Somerset County Chamber of Commerce and the Laurel Highlands Visitor’s Bureau at the time of the application and remain members of both organizations for the term of the loan. The loan is administered through the Somerset County Economic Development Council on behalf of the Somerset County Commissioners.
Energy OnDemand Co-op Program – Available to Chamber Members only. Join our Energy Pool to save on your electric bill once the caps come off in 2011.
Local Loot Gift Certificate Program – The Chamber’s Gift Certificate program. Gift Certificates can be purchased from the Chamber office or from the Chamber’s Website. Certificates are good at any participating Chamber Member business. Very convenient and easy to use! 100% of purchases stay local. Great for employee incentives, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and much more!
A Conveniently Located Office and Information Center – Open Monday to Saturday and staffed with a full-time Executive Director, full-time Office Manager and other support staff. The information center, operated in conjunction with the Laurel Highlands Visitor’s Bureau, is staffed by Chamber employees and RSVP volunteers and has hosted over 100,000 visitors since it opened. As a member, your brochures and/or business cards can be displayed here.
Chamber Business Directory – Your business will be listed in this directory under the categories of your choice. The booklet is distributed to all Chamber members, all subscribers to the Daily American and countywide to tourists, to new and long-time residents seeking a particular service, bank, or library, to businesses interested in locating to the county, and others. ONLY CHAMBER MEMBERS ARE INCLUDED. In this way we recommend only our members to the public.
Group Hospitalization Plan Through Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield –Available to you, if qualified, upon becoming a Chamber member. Visit the Chamber Choice website at
Guide to Somerset County – Tourism related Chamber member businesses are listed in this guide in categories like lodging, dining, recreation, attractions & historical sites, hiking, biking & outdoor recreation, specialty shopping, etc. This booklet is distributed from our office to visitors, in packetsto those relocating to Somerset County, and to hotels, motels and restaurants for general distribution. They are also distributed by the Laurel Highlands Visitor’s Bureau throughout Fayette, Westmoreland & Somerset Counties and by Little Mountain Promotions in Garrett County, MD.
Small Business Development Center – A representative is available two Fridays each month to help with questions concerning starting a new business, preparing a business plan and improving or expanding an existing business.
College & Technology Fair
Industry Tours
County Brochures
Leadership Somerset County
Somerset County Job Fair
Legislative Seminars
Antique Show
Annual Awards Dinner
Membership Directory
Monthly Networking Events
Somerset County Chamber of Commerce Website with links to dozens of business-related websites Local Clubs and Organizations List Worldwide Chamber of Commerce Directory Somerset Borough/Somerset County/Pennsylvania Maps Marketing Data Monthly Calendar of Events Brochures from over 400 businesses and attractions in the region
Allegany College of Maryland Advisory Council
Continental One Alliance
Junior Achievement Advisory Board
Laurel Highlands Visitor’s Bureau
PA CareerLink Somerset County
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
Private Industry Council
Somerset County Literacy Council
Somerset Co. Technology Center Advisory Council
Soroptimist International of Somerset County
Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission
Southern Alleghenies Workforce Investment Board
Southern Tier Education Council
Please join us in making Somerset County a place where we can all be proud to live.
Remember, one voice may not be heard, but over 700 will!